Post 172 the second half(the super secret 2nd half)Hi all, So you've reached the inside area. Here's where you see about us Biddinger's Johnson's, and Bendixen's ski trip to Boyne Highlands.I really really enjoyed the time with you all. It was a big blessing. Althought I did have a wonderful time out in the snow, my favorite times were when we sat around at talked. Like in the rooms at night, at the pool, and at the restaurant. God is so good. The arrival Annalisa and Alex in their short lived snowboarding tryout. Here is Falicia and I. We were about like this for the first hour. Jemimah Nobody Going up Loafing around. I'm the one waving my glove on the far left side Nap time Grandma Mom J.J. taking advantage of Chris's hat and gloves while Chris sleeps. That little stinker! Here's the crew. Biddingers, Johnsons, and Bendixens Here's Falicia and Alex hanging out on the cart, ready to be shipped home. Susanna in the tunnel at the pizza place. Yep she enjoyed the pizza. And last but not least.... So here I am craweling through the tunnels, and who should I come across? Amanda! She says she's injured, yeah right! I think she just wanted everyone to treat her special. |