Post 217

Hello everybody,
The Lord has been very good to me. Isn't it so amazing the God would use plain old people like us?  There have been several things lately that make me think "Wow God wants to use me!" Thank you Lord!

This is Michael. I came across while working. He is a great kid, and very friendly. He made this video for me to bring home to Amity, and to put on this here fine web site.

Family dinner

My brother Levi made some hands in his front yard. They've drawn quite the local attention, lots of people have been stopping for photos.

Amity's getting bigger.

Check out that belly...

Whitneys came over

Paczki day

This is our neighbor girl Brook. She came over to see the baby.

Mr. Heyworth and Abigale

Reading a story to the Cooper girls


Amity and I have had some wonderful times in the morning at our front window. We read the Bible and sing.

Hanging up the baby for the night. haha!

Here's a verse I've been thinking on lately. Eph 5:17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

How can we know His will? Here are some ways I thought of...
  Through the what He tells us in the Bible
  Through His Spirit
  And through Gody counsel.

I'm planning on singing at Caribou Coffee in Rochester on this date. It's the first open mic night they've ever had and I think it would be great if us believers could set a Godly standard. Please come.

   Want us to sing and speak
   at your Church or event?
   Please contact me.
Brother Bear
1312 New Life
Rochester, MI 48309
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