Post 253

Taking the kids for a walk in the snow

Count the candles to see how old she is, I can't remember.

Sledding with the Biddingers

The Shetler family - wonderful folks.

I dropped in at Pine Knob, and the Boyds were all there. They're all still ski and snowboard instructors.

Grace stayed for a few weeks

Amity doing dishes

Youth Group at New Hope Bible Church - Randy Goldsworthy, Youth Pastor
I spoke on God's Calling from the stories of Nehemiah and Moses. It's a great group of kids there.

Here's Levi just before heading off to work with The Lazarus Project in Tennessee for 3 months.

See Levi's Blog of the trip here. It's most interesting.

At Living Rivers Christian Fellowship with Pastor Bruce Cuyler
It was a real blessing to have the chance to share the songs and insights the Lord has given me.

Spent a day being tourists in Detroit...

Belle Isle Conservatory...

Belle Isle Aquarium...

Detroit Institute of Arts...

Me and Van Gough, original

The Nativity

   Want us to sing and speak
   at your Church or event?
   Please contact me.
Brother Bear
1312 New Life
Rochester, MI 48309
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