Post 17

Bobbie Sue, and Tabitha. Seamstresses of fine clothes. Please give them your business. They make lovely, modest clothing.

This is Jimmy and I. He is one of my greatest encouragements. I met him soon after he was saved in the schoolyear of 99-00. Jimmy, his sister Julie and some other students had a prayer meeting at the local Highschool. My brothers and I used to go to it every morning. It was a life changer. I learned so much by the zeal, fervency, and quest for holiness that was present there. This photo was taken just before Christmas 2003 when Jimmy came for a visit after 4 years. He has lost none of his zeal, and is even more encouraging than he ever was. It is amaising how excited the Lord has made him. We have become close in the Lord over the past few months with several edifying talks. If only everyone could know just how good Christian fellowship is! There is hope in this world, God is still changing lives! Check out the song Lord, That's Who You Are, it was largely inspired by Jesus as lived through Jimmy.

This is Jimmy's sister Julie in 2000. She was just as on fire as her brother. They were a real team for God.

Did some 4 weeling in the snow. This is El, really woopin' it up.

Zack was on the sled in the back being pulled, took in some snow.

The following are some shots from various Christmas things. What I though most about this Christmas season is the verse:
(speaking of mankind)

John 10:10b I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
There is so much meaning in that verse. "Have it more abundantly" We celebrate Jesus coming to earth at Christmas, and nothing is so full, and yet so simple as how this verse puts it. Thank you Jesus!

Notice Jesus right in there. That's what it's all about. What life's all about. John 10:10

Went to a special Christmas dinner with the Johnsons.

Some nice little stocking stuffers my dear mother gave us boys. You can make all kinds of crazy faces with them.

W.C. stands for a Whitcom Computer. My good Dad surprised me with a new computer this Christmas. That's why I have been able to update this site, and record more since Christmas, still 4 months behind on the photos but they're getting there. Recommended:Mr. Whitney of Whitcom Computers

New Years Eve at the Heyworths. had a great time playing games, singing, praying, praising the Lord, and enjoying the Body of Christ.

There's the fam.

I would recommend Christanity Freebies , the Christian section of, Real Free Site,

   Want us to sing and speak
   at your Church or event?
   Please contact me.
Brother Bear
1312 New Life
Rochester, MI 48309
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