Post 23

Well, I know there was a long pause it the Photo postings. But, my camera broke. Just got a new camera this past week though. So here we go...

We ran across Josh and Steven Boyd at a job, and decided to have a little treat.

My mother thought it would be a great idea if we all got together and played some music on all our instraments. And, Indeed it was. We had a blast. Especially with me on the trump.

This is Ruthie and I. We went to the Nanney's house to pray. I didn't get a chance to get any group photos of us actually meeting together. But it was a very encourageing time. Guess who was there?.... Jesus! I mean, there was some very uplifting prayer going on. Building faith. Also, we REALLY worshiped the Lord it song. It was so good we didn't get home till midnight.

And if that wasn't good enough..... Look what comes next!

This is Jimmy and his fine wife Abigail! Pretty nice shot if you ask me, seeing that it was a night shot from the hip. The only time that we could find to get together was at 12:00 midnight.

He asked if he could bring a few friends, so... Here they are:

It was amaising, unheard of. So wonderfull. We arrived at our street, and there were all these people standing at the end of our driveway. We ended up talking about Jesus, and singing about/to Jesus untill 4:30AM It was totally, unheard of, good. They all love the Lord emencely, and are earnestly building each other up in following Jesus. See, all these people live together in NC. We will go from left to right. First there is Jimmy and his wife Abigail, Jimmy has been a big testimony to me. Then there is Jessica, then Samantha. Then there's John with the beard, his openness was a big insperation for me. Then there is Celestino (the Mexican) and his wife Sarah, Sarah talked more than Celestino, and said many encourageing things about the family of God being a family. But Celestino, impacted me more by His listening to the Holy Spirit, it seamed like whenever he spoke he was saying just what would clear everything up, and bring unity. Then there is Daniel standing right under the light, he had a special spark of love. Then we have a brother and sister Starna, and her brother Edward (the black ones), both running hard for the Lord. And on the end we have another husband and wife, Misty and Elijah who ended up spending the night at our house along with Edward. It was such a wonderfull time. So much love, so true Christian life and family. And here we had never met any of them before, except for Jimmy.

We visited some fairly new found friends, the Stones. And found that they live just down the street from our close friends the Alessios old house. So, although it may not mean much to any one else, here is there old house. I remember being blessed many times at that house.

Mother and son

Although not part of the family, this is the goat. how do you like those duct taped handlebar grip safety covers on those horns.

Grandmother and Grandaughter

My father and mother after a rousing soccer game.

Drew Bear in his lamb outfit. Cute huh?

Drew with sister Madeline, and I

   Want us to sing and speak
   at your Church or event?
   Please contact me.
Brother Bear
1312 New Life
Rochester, MI 48309
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