Post 53

This Post is of the Memorial Day Festival at the city park. I had a good time spreading the Light of Jesus with my new shirt. My family got me 4 like this for me on my birthday. I really like them. Just my style. Notice how big, bold, and bright it is? That's how Jesus is!

Two different people at the park asked me about it, and I got to tell them about Jesus, and give them CDs of the music God has given me.

BaDaDum! BaDaDum! BaDaDum!..... So here's the shirt!!!

Up close


That boy's gotta' loose some weight! Oh well, at least he's happy.

Big foot comin' through

My dad

The squeeze

Here's another "Praise the Lord" for today. I bought this puppet, but I left it on a table and forgot about it. Then when I got home I couldn't find it. So I prayed for God to keep it for me, and when I went back to the park, there it was on the table. I said "praise the Lord!". It's a tool to spread God's love. I used to tell many good stories with "Bluey Louie" back when I used to have one.

And this... nothing more than a car.

   Want us to sing and speak
   at your Church or event?
   Please contact me.
Brother Bear
1312 New Life
Rochester, MI 48309
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