Post 93

Ski trip photos...
Went with the Cenzer, Erickson, and Bollenger families.

I rode a snowboard. Did pretty good. God helped me big time, I didn't fall. I was praising Him full time for that... "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not fall"

Charmin' Charles. This and the following are mostly all Ericksons. There are lots of people in the Erickson family. But I am glad for that. Because if it weren't for the people I wouldn't even like them.

Rosie Rosie

Slick Susie

Phillip, the one who allows no fancy nick names, with Zar From Afar

Jeriah Papaya

Flying high, Mrs. Erickson, and Gloria

Mrs. Erickson and Diana

Me, Gloria, and Sally.

Mr. Cenzer jumping

More friends in the nice warm pool, ahhh...

David and Jennifer

We had a wonderfull time. The sun was shining, the pool was peacefull, the company was kind, God was good. I really thank God for the good time with friends and family. Fellowship was sweet.

We were at Boyne Highlands, which has gained quite a high regard in my mind. Because of the growing number of wonderfull times I've had there with God and His people. God has been very good to me.

I'm noticing that this was a well photographed trip. See more here, and if I missed one let me know.
Watch out for music on xanga.

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Brother Bear
1312 New Life
Rochester, MI 48309
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